North Plains Electric Cooperative has partnered with Today’s Power to offer cooperative members the opportunity to explore residential solar power solutions. We invested in one of each models they offer for two reasons. First, to allow members to come by and take a close look, and second to give a way for interested members to monitor each model’s productivity.
Click on the title of each picture to view a graph that is actively logging the electricity being produced by the array in real-time. The graph is defaulted to show you the last seven days of production in kilowatts, however, you can easily expand that out to a year or restrict it to 10 minutes.
This solar array is located in the northeast section of our Perryton yard. This particular model is capable of producing 8 kW of electricity.
This solar array is located in the southwest section of our Canadian yard. This particular model is capable of producing 4 kW of electricity.
These two solar arrays are available for members to take a closer look at, please call or come by the Perryton office for more information.